‘Tis the Season to be Motivated Real Estate Buyers

Dean H Ueda, RA SRES RS-78445
Dean H Ueda, RA SRES RS-78445
Published on November 29, 2020

During the holiday season, things tend to get a little bit hectic. There’s decorating, cooking, Black Friday deals, getting a Christmas tree, oh and of course the Shopping. So many activities and things to do.  For me, amongst all the hustle and bustle, I try to remember to do two things: The first thing is to be grateful for what I have, a roof under my head, food on the table, a healthy family, great friends. The second thing is to look for real estate deals.

I keep my eyes open for real estate deals for myself as an investor as well as for my clients… I remind my clients who are both investors and looking for their next place to call home, that the real estate market is seasonal and therefore cyclical. Buyers may take a break from their search due to the holidays. In many parts of the states, potential buyers take ease off their search. The winter season brings less need to house hunt let alone wanting to move in the cold blustering snow and weather. Regardless of their reason, this change in demand may offer up opportunities for buyers who stay the course and are ready, willing and able to continue on with their hunt!

It may be coincidence, but I can specifically think of 2 of my buyers who have been consistent in their search over the last few months, viewing the properties I’ve been sending them, hitting up open houses, and allowing me to take them to private showings on homes. They were both able to get into contract this past week in two very competitive neighborhoods. For one client, this was our sixth attempt at putting in an offer! I think it is both a testament to their consistency and motivation along with a little bit of luck and timing, again possibly due to the seasonality as we get into the holiday season.

Along with these home owners, I also have investors starting to want to take advantage of the holidays and see if “Tis the season to get Discounted Deals” as we submit offers below asking price what we consider as being a good deal! Never mind spending time waiting in lines on Black Friday or on your computer or smart phone perusing the web on Cyber Monday.

Join me in the hunt to find some motivated sellers so you can build your legacy wealth, build your cash flow, and find your next home to make new memories.   Again, all markets are different but the general concept is that there less serious buyers out there during the holidays than there is in the spring and summer peeks. And there are sellers out there that for whatever their reason is, need to sell now. Unlike owner occupants, investors have more latitude to time the market since there are so many investment options out there. Keep your mind and eyes open!

In the words of the American motivator, Anthony Robbins, “It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It’s what we do consistently.”

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