The Downfall of Remote Home Buying

Dean H Ueda, RA SRES RS-78445
Dean H Ueda, RA SRES RS-78445
Published on November 22, 2020

In a past blog, I discussed tools you can utilize when buying a home remotely, in other words not physically visiting the property you are going to purchase. Here is the link (

 As mentioned before, I’ve successfully purchased properties remotely for clients as well as my own personal properties. But I need to let you know, it is not for everyone. In some of my blogs I like to refer to situations that I, my friends or my real estate clients encounter so that our readers can benefit from our experiences. I don’t mention names to protect the innocent. I hope that if and when they read these stories, they are not offended but this is just my way to try to share with others these experiences so that we can all learn and grow from them. I want the Community to be educated real estate buyers, sellers and investors.

So recently I was working with a client that was in the process of moving to Hawaii. They were very motivated buyers and they did their research online in terms of neighborhoods they wanted to live in, schools they wanted their child to attend, and areas they thought made the most sense for them to reside in.  They were very interested in buying a home remotely and were ok with closing on a property before they physically moved here to Hawaii, so they thought. I sent them available homes fitting their requirements and we did virtual tours and virtual showings. Sometimes I would try to drive around the neighborhoods with my video camera or while on video chat to try to get them a feel for the neighborhood. We found a great home and we submitted an offer on it.

As luck and timing would have it, they were flying in to Hawaii the weekend before offers on the home were being reviewed. My clients saw the home and drove around the neighborhood. The day before offers were due, my clients told me they wanted to withdraw their offer. Now that they were here and able to see the property and neighborhood in person, they discovered that they loved the home itself. What they did not care for or see themselves in, was the neighborhood the home was located in. It was such a relief that we were able to withdraw our offer early on in the process. I’m happy my buyers are here on island and can truly get a feel of the different areas, neighborhoods, nuances in weather, and touch and feel everything!

As much as we have technology, the internet, video conferencing, sometimes there is no real substitute for boots on the ground physical seeing and experiencing the next place to call home. Again, it can work for some situations, but not all. I really love these clients, enjoy working with them and am confident, that now that they are here on island, we will find them the great home that they are looking for.

In the words of the American author, J.A. Shedd, “He who thanks but with the lips Thanks but in part; The full, the true Thanksgiving Comes from the heart.” I’ll see you next week!

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