Nix the New Years Resolution, Do This Instead: A VISION BOARD

Dean H Ueda, RA SRES RS-78445
Dean H Ueda, RA SRES RS-78445
Published on December 20, 2020

In my last blog, “Year-end Planning Activities”, I talked about the 5 year-end planning activities that often get forgotten. Here’s the LINK if you missed it. In this blog, I wanted to talk about another tool that I just tried using this past year that I found useful. To me, this activity encompasses all aspects of my life and can complement or even replace your New Years Resolution and your annual business and production goals.

By the way, did you know that New Years Resolutions have an 80% failure rate? I have to admit, I’m still learning the best way to utilize this tool. Although I haven’t mastered it yet, I feel I have benefited from it’s use.

So, the activity I want to share with you today is creating a Vision Board. A vision board is a visualization tool which refers to a board of any sort used to build a collage of words and pictures that represent your goals and dreams. The boards help keep your goals top of mind which is the best way to achieve them.

This blog is not to go through the detailed process of creating a vision board. Here’s a few good links to how to create a good vision board (Vision Board Video, Vision Board How To). I want to focus on the benefits and why you should consider creating one annually.  Here’s an example of a vision board, this is my vision board that I created at the beginning of this year. I included areas of my life that I wanted to focus on. I had Relationships, Hobbies, Career and Education, Health, and Wealth. You can put multiple facets on your board or you can create multiple vision boards, each with a single theme.

A few tips for your vision board creation:

  1. Keep your vision board somewhere conspicuous and prominent like near your bed or desk.
  2. View your vision board at least daily.
  3. Include inspirational words, aspirations and affirmations.
  4. Keep it neat, no sense in adding more clutter to your life.
  5. Add emotions and feelings you are going to feel when you complete your goals.

So, I hope you take some time out this month to create a vision board. I really appreciate this tool and I hope you will too.

In the words of the Martial Arts legend and philosopher, Bruce Lee, “A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at.” I’ll see you next week!

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