Why Vision Boards Work…

Dean H Ueda, RA SRES RS-78445
Dean H Ueda, RA SRES RS-78445
Published on January 11, 2021

On a previous blog post, we discussed the benefits and some tips on creating a successful vision board. This is like a Part 2 of that blog (https://realestateofhawaii.com/real-estate-blog/visionboard/(opens in a new tab)

The other night I watched a movie called, “the Secret: Dare to Dream” It was a great feel-good movie with Katie Holmes and Josh Lucas, that I would highly recommend. One of the main premises of the movie was that when you have a positive mindset, positive things will come your way. The ideas and goals that you are mindful of will have a tendency of coming true. These are not new ideas by any means but this movie definitely reminded me of why vision boards work and why the vision board I created this year will be front and center in my office!

There are other books and movies with similar philosophy as this.  There is the book by the same name, “the Secret,” and many books that include “the Law of Attraction” in it.  One book that I just bought and am reading now is called, “Mind to Matter, the Astonishing Science of How Your Brain Creates Material Reality,” by Dawson Church. If you’re the skeptical type that needs scientific backing for anything, then this may be the book for you. This book seems to bridge the gap between mysticism and science. I’m not saying this book will turn all nay-sayers into true believers that you can cure cancer just by thinking it, but at least the author makes strong cases and supports his opinions with references of published articles and studies from legitimate sources.

Dawson Church is a PHD and award-winning author with a previous best-selling book called, “The Genie in Your Genes,” and is said to be a breakthrough in our understanding of the link between emotions and genetics. I suggest watching the movie, “The Secret” and checking out some of the books mentioned. If it doesn’t give you more than just to focus on positive mindset, then this video has served its purpose.

So back to the vision board discussion. One tip I want to bring up, something that I’m doing with the goals on my new vision board is to break down the goals to smaller milestones. Chop up your annual goals to monthly goals and maybe even daily goals. More importantly, identify the activities that you need to do to achieve those goals to the point that you know how long you need to perform that activity daily to reach your goals. Then time-block that period on your calendar, put that activity on your outlook or google calendar or write it down in your Month-at-a-glance if that’s what you use.  

Maybe you have a goal to read 24 self-cultivation books this year. That’s 2 books a month, 1 book in 2 weeks. If my books average about 200 pages and I read only on weeknights, then that is 20 pages each night. At a page a minute, that’s 20 minutes. I’ll round up to 30 minutes of reading and I’ll block off Monday through Friday from 10-10:30pm. Now I have broken down my annual goal to a daily task to get me there. I hope you try it out for some of your goals, even your goals on your vision board.

Thanks for reading, and in the words of Pablo Picasso, “Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.” 

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